A fictional children's book written by a 12-year-old Raipur boy launched




A fictional children's book written by Jaisal Badwani, 12-year-old Raipur boy launched “Dive in the World of Fiction” .

This beautifully illustrated story book is packed with 10 fiction stories on mystery, adventure, kindness, self-confidence, and science.

The director emerita of NHGWS, Ms. Kalpana Chaudhary said, “Imagination and curiosity of a child is manifested in many different dimensions and writing a story is the most accurate reflection a child’s mind.”

“I would just advise all parents to concentrate on their children's untapped potential and help them to develop it when the outside world draws attention to their shortcomings,” Jaisal Badwani's mother Dolly Badwani said.

The book is available on Amazon, Flipkart, and Shabd.in.

Jaisal Badwani is in the 6th grade. His mother, Dolly Badwani, encouraged him to write stories and promised to publish his book if they were worthwhile. She kept her word by releasing the book on the occasion of Jaisal's 12th birthday.
